Start With Why


Simon Sinek's first best seller book, part of a movement in business and lifestyle choices that is gathering a momentum that's threatening to redefine the business world as we know it.

If you haven’t yet heard of Simon Sinek, and a book that appears to be just another self-help book is not enough to sway you to buy it, we recommend googling him and watching a few of his talks online. Incidently he’s no fan of self-help books and is perhaps one of the most influential speakers of our time. His one man mission is to enlighten and inspire people to ask the question “Why do you do what you do?” The philosophy is that it’s not what you do in your life, it’s why you do it that really counts. It’s this belief that really drives you and others to do positive things in business and your life, both of which he sees as one and the same. “Martin Luther King said: I have a Dream, not, I have a Plan.”