
Brik Mag, Sept 2014

The September 2014 issue of the Brik Magazine is out the door. This issue we offer some perspective on the rumour that the bubble is about to burst, and some inspiration for your place's interior as well. Read it here on the Brik Wall or on Issue here. We distribute just under 20,000 copies of the magazines in London, but if you don't get through your letterbox, ping us an email to and we will send you a hardcopy by post. On the Cover Black Jack With prices having risen astronomically across London and in particular Fulham over the last few years, it seems the game is now up, and sellers are left holding the best hand of all, provided they know how to play it! Let's be clear, prices haven't stopped rising it's just that they've returned back to a state of normality that has seen them take a significant chill pill. If you're a seller, and bought a few years back, you can rest in the knowledge that the biggest increases, for the time being, have now passed. This leaves sellers in the comfortable position of being able to bank their significant capital gains whilst also being able to navigate the calmer waters of the market towards their next property. That said if you are considering a sale, the most important thing now is to ensure you get it valued accurately. After several years of losing in a ‘sellers market', buyers simply won't stay in the game if the price is too high. Especially when there's other options on the table.

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