Brik Magazine Summer ’15
13 July, 2015
Being in the property market, we were literally on the edge of our seats as the election unfolded. A new government always means new policies, and ...
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On the Cover
What Now?
Whether you're buying or selling or connected in any way to property, you'd have no doubt experienced this anxiety. So now that the elections are done and gone, what next? Subjectively speaking, from the eye of the property market, and whatever your political leaning, the outcome couldn't be better. Seen as the bastion of the wealthy (for good reason) Labour had planned an assault on the property market that would have peppered it with new policies. What the result of that would've been, we'll never know. For better or worse the Conservative majority has provided a dose of stability that has, literally overnight, kick-started the previously stagnant market place. Can we expect a mini-boom, resulting in a new price hike? Probably. Will first-time buyers still struggle to get on the ladder? Probably. But one thing is for certain, property in London isn't going to be getting any cheaper.