Home Tech Q2 ’19
10 June, 2021
â–² Garden projector Do you dream of turning your garden into your very own outdoor cinema? Family and friends, sitting on blankets, eating BBQ and watching home movies or something for the kids. It's a nice image, but if you want it to be a reality, you'll have to invest. To project outdoors you want a decent bit of kit to give you optimum viewing in difficulty light. The Optoma UHD60, for example, gives you 4k resolution and stereo speakers, but it comes at a price. Optoma.co.uk
â–² WiFi Booster Not very cool, perhaps, but then neither is a bad stream of music when you're trying to hold a once in a generation garden party. The Devolo dLAN 1200+ WiFi booster will solve this problem by mirroring the strength of your router wherever you plug it in. Seamless streaming of music, films and all the Smart technology your house can hold. Devolo.co.uk
â–² Artificial grass Previously the preserve of butcher's shop windows and school sports fields, artificial grass has is now a more and more common sight in home gardens. Far from being an admittance of defeat in the face of lawn maintenance, it's more that the quality of artificial grass has progressed to the point where it just makes sense. It's easier to maintain, easier to clean, always looks great and, increasingly, feels like the real stuff too. Tuda grass offers some of the best on the market, according to reviews. tudagrass.co.uk
â–² Smart cooking A perfectly cooked steak, eaten in your own garden, accompanied by friends and some cold drinks in one of life's great pleasures. The Anovo Precision Cooker 4.0 will ensure that this dream is a reality. Using WiFi or Bluetooth, you can sous vide your steaks like a professional while you get the rest of the food ready. Then, when it's time, all you have to do is finish the meat on the BBQ. anovaculinary.com
â–² Smart sprinkler No one wants to spend the summer in a garden that looks like the set of a Mad Max film. That's where the wonders of smart sprinklers come in. Heatwave at home while you're on holiday? No problem, fire up the sprinklers from your smartphone and give the garden a drink. Rachio 3 is one of the best, letting your control timings, water levels, while also monitoring weather and humidity. rachio.com