
Hassle-free Property Management

5-Star Property Management

Looking for a seamless letting experience? Let our experienced Fulham based property managers take the stress out of your let.



Why choose Property Management from Brik?

One point of contact

Often property management is an overlooked ‘add-on’ that agencies offer. Not at Brik. We have designed our service from the ground up. Enjoy one property manager for your property. No being passed around the management team, our managers know your property inside out, can deal directly with issues as they arise and always keep you in the loop. A truly personal service

Fulham-based team

Unlike almost all other agencies our property management team is based right here in Fulham. We’ve found that if your team isn’t based locally it’s much harder for them to respond promptly to problems. Our local managers feel connected to your property, after all it’s just around the corner. They also have the benefit of knowing a host of local suppliers intimately. It all adds up to a superior service for you and your tenants that can’t be matched.

Repairs & maintenance

The last thing you want is to be called at midnight by your tenants complaining about an issue with the plumbing. Our turn-key management service has it all in hand. We know the best suppliers, depending on the issue, and because we deal with them regularly we place them quicker for cheaper. Should a more serious problem arise then you can rest a little easier on our extensive management experience, we’ve seen it all.

Talk to the Fulham Experts

If you're looking for friendly and expert advice on your sale, let or search please get in touch.